Friday, July 23, 2010

11 Weeks

Our Baby Girl will be 11 weeks old tomorrow. I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. Since we do not have the internet at home (and work blocked this website), it is hard for me to update this site but I am going to try my best.

So an update on Emma’s health, she came home from the NICU on May 21, 2010 she was one day shy of two weeks old. She has been so healthy and happy since she came home from the hospital. She just had her two month check up on Tuesday July 13, 2010 and she weighed 11 pounds and 5 oz and she is 21 ½ “ long. My baby is growing like a weed! We still aren’t sure if she has a milk allergy or not. The doctor is letting us try different formula now. This formula we can at least get in the store. We started out by giving her 1oz of the new formula mixed in with her current formula. Right now we are up to half and half (2 oz of each). I assume if she does well on this new formula, maybe they will let us try regular Similac, but we will see. Her next appointment isn’t until she is 4 months old and the appointment is on September 8, 2010.

As far as me, I am slowly getting my strength back in my arms. My right shoulder and neck are only sore when I am on the computer too long or if I sit too long in a position or in a chair without a back (like a picnic table). My body started to feel better once the doctor found out I had a kidney infection and put me on the appropriate antibiotic. It’s a shame that I was in the hospital for 3 or 4 days and they did several CAT scans and MRI’s but never thought to do a simple urine test. Overall I feel 100% and happy that I can care for my daughter on my own (except the occasional call to Mom to ask for advice but hey isn’t that what Mom’s are for).

And then there is CJ. CJ has been an incredible dad and husband through all of this and he really stepped up to the plate when I was unable to. I am a firm believer that good things happen to good people. During all of this CJ was finally offered a position with WSSC. He has been trying to get a job there for about 2 years. The job pays him a lot more than his other job, better benefits and OT and other monetary pay that his former job didn’t offer him. I feel like this couldn’t come at a better time. He has been with WSSC now for a month and he likes it a lot. He will soon start shift work but the schedule is a lot better than what it was with Frederick County.

Now back to our pride and joy. Emma just recently started to smile. She mostly does it during the day and late afternoon, I think she is too tired to smile in the evening. Emma loves to take baths, so we took her swimming for the first time on Sunday. Overall I think she enjoyed it but it was during nap time so she fell asleep on me while in the pool. We also took Emma to the Burkittsville Carnival this week, and she loved that too. I was surprised she stayed awake the whole time but she enjoyed people watching. She wanted to sit up when I gave her a bottle so she could see everything that was going on. She also enjoyed all of the lights from the rides and booths.

Here are a few pics for your enjoyment. I will try to get pics and video up this weekend.


The Sklarews

One Month Old

1 Month Old

Two Months Old

2 months old

Tommy & Emma (Emma’s Boyfriend, he is 1month older than her)

Tommy (her boyfriend) & Emma

She is Totally Rockin’ those glasses

Cute as a button

Big Smiles

My Sweet Pea

Big smile w/ tongue

Looking at herself

looking in the Mirror

This is the “Mom seriously enough with the pictures” look


First Time Swimming

1st time Swimming

Hanging out poolside

Hanging out poolside

My Little Love Bug

10 Weeks old Smiling

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